Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tethered Capital,Bonded Relationships,Property Rights, Statesmanship - and Stewardship

The NEED and ROLE of Capital -

The Use and Abuse

The Origin of Wealth - The Creation of Capital
The Allocation of Capital - The Use and Abuse of Capital

The MAIN & WALL Manifesto

vs rulers and  bankers  political and financial fiduciaries and the captains of each squad

Not Dictators and Bankers - who roles are nebulous ill defined - and often autocratic and self serving

A Jeffersonian Approach - To Dynamic Capitalism

This is invisible force that drives the invisible man and determines the work of his invisible hand

Statesmanship - Was to be viewed as a Noble Endeavor not a financially rewarding occupation
Srewardship -  A fiduciary responsibility not a licence to catitalize on ignorance

There are other productive roles for this purpose

When these roles are confused the system loses its dynamism

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